After the birth of my first daughter I started suffering from contraption. I had lasted up to 5 days with out a bowel movement. I had constant abdominal bloating and retained lots of fluids. I spent a lot of money on detox teas and laxative pills and drinks that only worked while in the moment, I experienced colics and pain. I wasn’t able to work in peace because I was in the restroom half of the time (hahahaha). Most of the teas contained caffeine and made me hyper and moody. I was struggling with losing abdominal fat and losing weight seemed impossible.In 2020 I started researching to find the best solution for my problem. I discovered many men and women were experiencing the same symptoms as me, and were also struggling to find a product that tacked every single concern. I wanted to create a product that helped people permanently and not just in the moment. I also wanted a natural product with zero side effect.After one year of research and trying different natural herbs, I created Mr.teatox 100% natural, increases energy without caffeine ,detoxes the body while cleansing the colon and removes retained fluids.After completing our 14 day detox your body will be cleansed and will process food faster. Accompanied with exercise and a healthy meal plan you can lose up to 20 pounds, and fatigue will be a thing of the past.